As Thanksgiving is slowly approaching and we are frantically and anxiously deciding whether to visit our relatives, host a friendsgiving, or skip it all together, let’s take a moment and think about all the things 2020 has shown us. Let’s think about all the ways we can be better humans and help out in our communities.
Every year Portland’s Alternative Realtors selects a few wonderful non-profit organizations to give support to by donating money and volunteering. This year we pledged to make a donation for every transaction we close to SEI (Self Enhancement Inc – an African-American-led organization providing support to vulnerable youth). Last year we enjoyed volunteering with Lift Urban Portland, Friends of Trees and Meals on Wheels. Due to COVID-19 it has been more challenging to volunteer as a team, but we are always looking for opportunities to get out in the community and help others.
Twenty-twenty has been quite a year to say the least and while some of us have had the luxury to work from home, others are struggling to work through a pandemic, keep their families safe and a lot of them have lost access to free school meals.
Portland has shown many in our communities how we can give back. Lift Urban Portland is just one free resource for those in need. They have been around since the early 80’s and their “mission is to reduce hunger and improve the lives of low-income residents in NW and Downtown Portland”. They offer great resources like Preston’s Pantry and Free Food Market for those who qualify in their monthly income guidelines. It is also a great place to volunteer and get involved in the community. So if you’re still anxiously deciding what to do for Thanksgiving maybe start here, start small and give back.